Lorca - Between Light and Darkness / with dancer more info
Theater Kielzog, Gorecht-Oost 157, Hoogezand

Luna's new musical theatre story about Light and Darkness

Lorca - Between Light and Darkness more info
Lux, Mariënburg 38-39, Nijmegen

Luna's new theatre show about Light and Darkness

Lorca - Between Light and Darkness more info
Theater Ludens, Burg. Feithplein 95, Voorburg

Luna's new theatre show about Light and Darkness

Lorca - Between Light and Darkness more info
Kapel der Lazaristen, Kerkstraat 8, Panningen

Luna's new musical theatre story about Light and Darkness

SOLO - Entre Dos Mundos more info
Zuylen, Tuinzigtlaan 11, Breda

Musical narrative in the series 'Meaningful get-togethers'

Luna guest soloist with Pete Philly & Perquisite more info
AFAS Live, Johan Cruijff Boulevard 590, Amsterdam

Reunion concert with 3 guest soloists: Jeangu Macrooy, Naaz and Luna

(Nederlands) Entre Dos Mundos @ Troostcafé Amsterdam more info
De Thomas, Prinses Irenestraat 36, Amsterdam

Concert within the context of All Souls' Day - voice, guitar, percussion

Entre Dos Mundos @ Kunst in de Kamer (Art in the Livingroom) more info
Kunst in de Kamer, Kapellen (België)

Entre Dos Mundos - with flamenco dance

Luna & ... more info
Cultuurboerderij Genneperhoeve, Eindhoven

More information coming soon

Luna Zegers QUINTET - a first in the Netherlands! more info
Cultuurkoepel Heiloo, Kennemerstraatweg 464, Heiloo

Entre Dos Mundos in QUINTET format for the first time in the Netherlands!

Entre Dos Mundos @ Valkenburg open air Theatre more info
Openluchttheater Valkenburg, Plenkertstraat 51A, Valkenburg LB

Summer concert 'between the greenery and the marl caves' of Valkenburg

Luna @ Kunst in de Kamer, Hilversum more info
Kunst in de Kamer, Hilversum

Luna goes 'Solo'

Luna & Daniel da Silva more info
DdS estudio de guitarra, Barcelona (ES)

Luna & flamenco guitarist Daniel da Silva

Luna @ Emigration Fair 2023 more info
Expo Houten

Luna at the Emigration Fair 2023

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
Theater Het Speelhuis, Speelhuisplein 2, 5707 DZ Helmond

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos'

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
Theater De Boerderij, Hellingstraat 9, Huizen

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in duo format (voice & guitar)

Entre Dos Mundos in performance with symphony orchestra more info
Harddraverij, Lisse

Luna sings her 'Entre Dos Mundos', this time arranged for symphony orchestra. More information soon.

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
Theater Ludens, Burg. Feithplein 95, Voorburg

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Luna & Vicente & Javier more info
La Cosina, Vingerhoekhof 8, IJsselstein

Luna (vocals) & Vicente Santiago (flamenco guitar) & Javier Infestas (percussion)

Entre Dos Mundos more info
La Cosina, Vingerhoekhof 8, IJsselstein

Summer night outside terrace concert to celebrate the summer season!

Luna & Vicente more info
Festival Tussenland, Ter Pelkwijkpark, Zwolle

Flamenco 'Entre Dos Mundos'

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
Het Evertshuis, Julianastraat 4, Bodegraven

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
Theater Aan de Brink, Brink 29, 1251 KT Laren, Noord Holland

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in duo format (voice, guitar)

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
Theater De Schalm, Meiveld 3, Veldhoven

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
Theaterkerk Wadway, Wadway 30 1715 GZ Wadway

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Lorca, Falla, Flamenco more info
Franse kapel, Kerkstraat 8, Panningen

An ode to classical Spanish composers and their relation with flamenco

Luna in television program 'I Can See Your Voice' more info
RTL4 (Dutch national television)

Luna sings live in the television program 'I Can See Your Voice'

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
Podiumcafé De Brouwerij @ De Sociëteit, Luttik Oudorp 78, 1811 MZ Alkmaar

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
Danshuis Volmolen, Volmolenstraat 11, Maaseik (Opoeteren), België

Luna & Vicente play 'Entre Dos Mundos' in duo format

Luna sings jazzzz / with pianist Gilles Estoppey more info
The Wild Bunch, Carrer d'Espinoi, 8-10, local 1, 08023 Barcelona

Luna & pianist Gilles Estoppey play jazz standards

Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 15-5-2022! more info
Theater De Schalm, Meiveld 3, Veldhoven

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 14-5-2022! more info
Theaterkerk Wadway, Wadway 30, Wadway

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 16-9-2022! more info
Theater Ludens, Burg. Feithplein 95, Voorburg

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Entre Dos Mundos - reprise (lunch time concert!) more info
Theater Concordia, Oude Markt 15, Enschede

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 29-9-2022! more info
De Boerderij, Hellingstraat 9, Huizen

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in duo format (voice & guitar)

Entre Dos Mundos -> CANCELLED BECAUSE OF COVID :-( more info
Theater Mozaïek, Campuslaan 6, Wijchen

Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)

Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 19-5-2022! more info
Het Evertshuis, Julianastraat 4, Bodegraven

Concierto teatral 'Entre Dos Mundos' en formato trio (voz, guitarra, percusión)

'Entre Dos Mundos' @ Beauforthuis more info
Beauforthuis, Woudenbergseweg, Austerlitz

Luna & guitarist Vicente Santiago get together again to play Luna's songs!

Entre Dos Mundos @ Atelierroute Jordaan, Amsterdam more info
Hotel Andaz, Prinsengracht 587, Amsterdam

Luna & Vicente play at the 'Open Atelier route' in the famous neighbourhood Jordaan

Luna & Vicente play 'Entre Dos Mundos' more info
Theater Mozaïek, Wijchen

Luna's album 'Entre Dos Mundos' in an intimate theatre setting

Luna sings jazz, bossa nova, Argentinan tango and latin more info
Beeldhouwatelier Lab Del Art, Loosteeg 18, Panningen

With Álvaro Rovira Ruiz, Argentinan guitarist in jazz and Brazilian music

Concert at Theobaldus Church Overloon more info
Theobalduskerk, Overloon

Luna in concert with Zangvereniging LOGEKO

Luna with Vicente Santiago and Javier Infestas more info
De Weijer, De Raetsingel 1, Boxmeer

"Entre Dos Mundos" at the theatre on Sunday afternoon

Press presentation of La Vuelta a España 2020 more info
Grote Kerk, Kerkplein 2, Breda

Luna's music at the presentation of the routes of cycling race 'La Vuelta a España 2020'

Solo & Entre Dos Mundos more info
Biblioitheek Nieuw Waldeck / Loosduinen, Den Haag

Lecture with vocals, guitar and dance, presenting my autobiography 'SOLO'

Luna at flamenco tablao 'Los Canasteros' more info
Folkhouse Matrix, Mauritsstraat 16, Rotterdam

'Tablao' (Flamenco club) with Luna, Vicente Santiago and dancer

Flamenco festival Lux more info
Lux Nijmegen

Concert & presentation 'Entre Dos Mundos' by Luna & Vicente Santiago

'Solo' & 'Entre Dos Mundos' in concert more info
Danshuis Volmolen, Volmolenstraat 11, Maaseik (Opoeteren), België

The stories from 'Solo' and the music from 'Entre Dos Mundos'

Luna & Vicente Santiago & Javier Infestas more info
La Cosina, Vingerhoekhof 8, IJsselstein

A mixture of Luna's original compositions and traditional flamenco

Entre Dos Mundos & the sea more info
Lourdeskerk Scheveningen, 2e Messtraat 108, Den Haag

A dazzling flamenco evening with the theme 'The Sea'

Presentation opening night of movie 'Todos Lo Saben' more info
Tuschinski Amsterdam

Presenting the Dutch premiere of this intriguing story, which was the opening movie of the Cannes Filmfestival 2018

'Solo' at the library more info
Openbare bibliotheek Voorschoten-Wassenaar, Wijngaardenlaan 4, Voorschoten

Interactive musical lecture by Luna

Concert 'Art in the Livingroom' (Kunst in de Kamer) more info
Kunst in de Kamer, Venray

Concert at art circle "Kunst in de Kamer' with voice, guitar and percussion

Trio concert Luna, Vicente and Juri more info
Zonneplein, Amsterdam

Luna sings flamenco with guitarist Vicente Santiago and percussionist Juri Kuefner

Luna's music in the castle gardens of Twickel Castle more info
Kasteel Twickel, Twickelerlaan 1, Ambt Delden

Concert with the music of Luna's album "Entre Dos Mundos" in the beautiful ambiance of one of the most beautiful castles in the Netherlands

Luna & Vicente play 'Cantiñas de Mi Tierra' more info
Compagnietheater Amsterdam

Musical intervention for the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

Luna @ Eindeloos Eiland Festival more info
Landschapscamping Wilgenoord, Wissenkerke


Flamenco concert & workshop by Luna & Vicente more info
Boekhandel Grand Theatre, Van Coothplein 17b, Breda

Grand Theater organizes a Spanish evening, with live music and a beautiful Spanish film

Luna & Vicente @ Krangfestival more info
De Houtmaat, Houtmaatweg 9, Hengelo

During this sunny festival Luna and Vicente play a mixture of Luna's pieces and modern flamenco classics

Liberty festival, Amsterdam-Noord more info
Zonneplein, Amsterdam

Concert by Luna and flamenco guitarist Vicente Santiago

Lunch concert more info
Ultramarinos, Barcelona

Concert by Luna + guitarist Ezequiel Coria

Luna presents 'Entre Dos Mundos' & 'Solo' more info
Lux, Nijmegen


Luna & Vicente Santiago @ Atelier Lab del Art more info
Loosteeg 18, Panningen

Duo concert flamenco voice and guitar for art circle of Helden-Panningen

In-store concert & presentation of my album and book more info
Concerto Recordstore, Utrechtsestraat 52-60, Amsterdam

In-store concert with guitarist Vicente Santiago & presentation of my album 'Entre Dos Mundos' and my book 'SOLO'

Boekenbal 2018 more info
Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam

Luna is an invitee to the anual Boekenbal (and who knows, she'll sing too...!)

Luna in 'Bart's Boekenclub' more info
Betty Asfalt Complex, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 282, Amsterdam

Luna and Vicente Santiago take care of the music at this edition of Bart's Book Club, and Luna pitches her book 'SOLO'

Interview with Luna + workshop flamenco more info
Boekhandel Grand Theatre, Van Coothplein 17b, Breda

Interview & lecture, framed with musical examples, about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO'

Musical lecture about Luna’s autobiography ‘SOLO’ more info
Boekhandel Dominicanen, Dominicanerkerkstraat 1, Maastricht

Lecture, framed with live music, about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO', together with guitarist Vicente Santiago

Luna is a guest at 'Wim Daniëls books' more info
De Weijer, De Raetsingel 1, Boxmeer

Talk show about books at a beautiful location

Luna & classical pianist Javier Perianes more info
Beethoven Haus, Bonn, Germany

Concert at the wonderful Beethoven Haus, paying hommage to Spanish composers Manuel de Falla and Federico Garcia Lorca, in combination with flamenco

Musical lecture about Luna’s autobiography ‘SOLO’ more info
Boekhandel Het Colofon, Bakkerstraat 56 Arnhem

Lecture, framed with live music, about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO'

Musical lecture about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO' more info
Boekhandel Van der Meer, De Keuvel 1, Noordwijk

Lecture, framed with live music, about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO'

Lecture at artist's society De Kring more info
De Kring, Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 7-9 1-hoog, Amsterdam

Lecture by Luna about her book 'SOLO', recently published by editorial Ambo-Anthos

Luna in radio program "Hemelse Modder" more info
Radio Bloemendaal

Radio host Colet van der Ven invites Luna as her first conversation partner of this year

Luna in the Top 2000 A Gogo more info
NPO3, Mediapark, Hilversum

Luna performs Spanish versions of Top 2000 songs on Dutch end-of-the-year-television-hit "Top 2000 A Gogo"

Book presentation "SOLO" more info
Boekhandel Scheltema, Rokin 9, Amsterdam

Presentation of Luna's first book "SOLO", with live singing & guitar by Luna & Vicente Santiago

'Entre Dos Mundos' for Spanish embassy more info
Theater Korzo, Prinsestraat 42, Den Haag

Concert together with guitarist Vicente Santiago, percussionist Ruven Ruppik and dancer Harriet IJssel de Schepper 'Kika', with the music of Luna's 'Entre Dos Mundos'

'Entre Dos Mundos' with Vicente Santiago & 'Kika' more info
Muzee, Neptunusstraat 90-92, Den Haag

Luna's album 'Entre Dos Mundos' performed live, together with the young Spanish
flamenco guitarist Vicente Santiago and wonderful flamenco dancer Harriet IJssel de Schepper, 'Kika'

Flamenco @ Operadagen Rotterdam more info
LP2, Wilhelminakade 326, Rotterdam

Night walk with musical "tapas"

"Entre Dos Mundos" album release tour more info
Stadhuis Oudewater, Visbrug 1, Oudewater

Presentation of Luna's new album "Entre Dos Mundos"

"Entre Dos Mundos" album release tour more info
Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, Heuvel Galerie 140, Eindhoven

Presentation of Luna's new album "Entre Dos Mundos"

"Entre Dos Mundos" album release tour more info
De X, Middelstegracht 123, Leiden

Presentation of Luna's new album "Entre Dos Mundos"

"Entre Dos Mundos" album release tour more info
Herberg De Pol, Raadhuisstraat 8, Diepenheim

Presentation of Luna's new album "Entre Dos Mundos" (Between Two Worlds)

Classical Spanish repertoire and flamenco in a castle more info
Kasteel Twickel, Twickelerlaan 1, Ambt Delden

Classical and flamenco go hand in hand in this concert in the stunning scenery of castle Twickel

Luna & Compañía Parpadeo more info
P60, Stadsplein 100a, Amstelveen

Cross-over of flamenco and electronic music

Luna & Compañía Parpadeo @ Flamenco Biënnale NL more info
Theater De Lieve Vrouw, Amersfoort

Flamenco cross-over: meeting point between flamenco and elektronic music; between video art, dance and poetry

Entre Dos Mundos at the Flamenco Biënnale NL more info
Korzo, Den Haag

Cd presentation of Luna's brand new album "Entre Dos Mundos" at the low lands' most important flamenco festival

Entre Dos Mundos at the Flamenco Biennale NL more info
RASA, Utrecht

Cd presentation of Luna's brand new album "Entre Dos Mundos" at the low lands' most important flamenco festival

New Year's concert in a Spanish mood more info
Het Cenakel, Tilburg

Combination of Spanish songs by Federico Garcia Lorca and Manuel De Falla, and flamenco with a dancer

Flamenco, jazz, good food & drinks on New Year's Eve more info
Neyras, Via Laietana 41, Barcelona

Luna will sing a combination of flamenco, jazz and boleros, accompanied at Neyras' beautiful grand piano by Jairo Ortega, and with dancer Lucero Cárdenas

Flamenco festival Rotterdam more info
Grounds, Pieter de Hoochweg 125, Rotterdam

"A Flor de Piel", flamenco show by Luna Zegers (voice), Jordi Rodriguez (guitar), Udo Demandt (percussion), Agustín Cabrera (dance)

Workshop flamenco: bulerías (voice & guitar) more info
Grounds, Pieter de Hoochweg 125, Rotterdam

Combined workshop flamenco song with guitar accompaniment by guitarist Jordi Rodriguez (Barcelona)

Luna as Spain-expert on Dutch Radio1 more info
NPO Radio1 Sportzomer / Langs De Lijn

Radio1 invites Luna to join in the studio during the match Spain - Turkey in the European soccer championships

Luna & Candelaria @ tablao flamenco Los Tarantos more info
Tablao flamenco Los Tarantos, Plaça Reial 17, Barcelona

Flamenco show with two female dancers in Barcelona's oldest flamenco club "Los Tarantos"

Luna sings on NPO2 (Dutch television) more info
NPO2, Hilversum, Netherlands

Luna sings one of her own pieces and a Spanish version of a Dutch classic in television program "De Nieuwe Wereld" ("The New World")

Recording for Dutch television program "The New World" more info
De Rode Hoed, Keizersgracht 102, Amsterdam

Live music from Luna & interview with her in this television program about commitment and freethinking

"Flamenco clásico" @ "Leefgoed De Olifant" more info
Leefgoed De Olifant, Groenendijk 325, Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel

Flamenco concert by Luna & guitarist

Flamenco trio @ Robadors more info
Robadors, C/d'en Robador 23, Barcelona

Flamenco trio: live singing, playing guitar and dancing

Broadcasting of television program with Luna more info
NPO1, Hilversum, Netherlands

Broadcasting of television program "De Reünie" ("The Reunion") with a special about Luna and her music

Coffee concert @ arts club "Pulchri" in The Hague more info
Pulchri, Lange Voorhout 15, Den Haag

Coffee concert by Luna & guitarist Jur Vermijs: flamenco in the Louis XV-hall