- Lorca - Between Light and Darkness / with dancer more info
- Theater Kielzog, Gorecht-Oost 157, Hoogezand
Luna's new musical theatre story about Light and Darkness
- Lorca - Between Light and Darkness more info
- Lux, Mariënburg 38-39, Nijmegen
Luna's new theatre show about Light and Darkness
- Lorca - Between Light and Darkness more info
- Theater Ludens, Burg. Feithplein 95, Voorburg
Luna's new theatre show about Light and Darkness
- Lorca - Between Light and Darkness more info
- Kapel der Lazaristen, Kerkstraat 8, Panningen
Luna's new musical theatre story about Light and Darkness
- SOLO - Entre Dos Mundos more info
- Zuylen, Tuinzigtlaan 11, Breda
Musical narrative in the series 'Meaningful get-togethers'
- Luna guest soloist with Pete Philly & Perquisite more info
- AFAS Live, Johan Cruijff Boulevard 590, Amsterdam
Reunion concert with 3 guest soloists: Jeangu Macrooy, Naaz and Luna
- (Nederlands) Entre Dos Mundos @ Troostcafé Amsterdam more info
- De Thomas, Prinses Irenestraat 36, Amsterdam
Concert within the context of All Souls' Day - voice, guitar, percussion
- Entre Dos Mundos @ Kunst in de Kamer (Art in the Livingroom) more info
- Kunst in de Kamer, Kapellen (België)
Entre Dos Mundos - with flamenco dance
- Luna & ... more info
- Cultuurboerderij Genneperhoeve, Eindhoven
More information coming soon
- Luna Zegers QUINTET - a first in the Netherlands! more info
- Cultuurkoepel Heiloo, Kennemerstraatweg 464, Heiloo
Entre Dos Mundos in QUINTET format for the first time in the Netherlands!
- Entre Dos Mundos @ Valkenburg open air Theatre more info
- Openluchttheater Valkenburg, Plenkertstraat 51A, Valkenburg LB
Summer concert 'between the greenery and the marl caves' of Valkenburg
- Luna @ Kunst in de Kamer, Hilversum more info
- Kunst in de Kamer, Hilversum
Luna goes 'Solo'
- Luna & Daniel da Silva more info
- DdS estudio de guitarra, Barcelona (ES)
Luna & flamenco guitarist Daniel da Silva
- Luna @ Emigration Fair 2023 more info
- Expo Houten
Luna at the Emigration Fair 2023
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
- Theater Het Speelhuis, Speelhuisplein 2, 5707 DZ Helmond
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos'
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
- Theater De Boerderij, Hellingstraat 9, Huizen
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in duo format (voice & guitar)
- Entre Dos Mundos in performance with symphony orchestra more info
- Harddraverij, Lisse
Luna sings her 'Entre Dos Mundos', this time arranged for symphony orchestra. More information soon.
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
- Theater Ludens, Burg. Feithplein 95, Voorburg
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Luna & Vicente & Javier more info
- La Cosina, Vingerhoekhof 8, IJsselstein
Luna (vocals) & Vicente Santiago (flamenco guitar) & Javier Infestas (percussion)
- Entre Dos Mundos more info
- La Cosina, Vingerhoekhof 8, IJsselstein
Summer night outside terrace concert to celebrate the summer season!
- Luna & Vicente more info
- Festival Tussenland, Ter Pelkwijkpark, Zwolle
Flamenco 'Entre Dos Mundos'
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
- Het Evertshuis, Julianastraat 4, Bodegraven
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
- Theater Aan de Brink, Brink 29, 1251 KT Laren, Noord Holland
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in duo format (voice, guitar)
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
- Theater De Schalm, Meiveld 3, Veldhoven
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
- Theaterkerk Wadway, Wadway 30 1715 GZ Wadway
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Lorca, Falla, Flamenco more info
- Franse kapel, Kerkstraat 8, Panningen
An ode to classical Spanish composers and their relation with flamenco
- Luna in television program 'I Can See Your Voice' more info
- RTL4 (Dutch national television)
Luna sings live in the television program 'I Can See Your Voice'
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
- Podiumcafé De Brouwerij @ De Sociëteit, Luttik Oudorp 78, 1811 MZ Alkmaar
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise more info
- Danshuis Volmolen, Volmolenstraat 11, Maaseik (Opoeteren), België
Luna & Vicente play 'Entre Dos Mundos' in duo format
- Luna sings jazzzz / with pianist Gilles Estoppey more info
- The Wild Bunch, Carrer d'Espinoi, 8-10, local 1, 08023 Barcelona
Luna & pianist Gilles Estoppey play jazz standards
- Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 15-5-2022! more info
- Theater De Schalm, Meiveld 3, Veldhoven
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 14-5-2022! more info
- Theaterkerk Wadway, Wadway 30, Wadway
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 16-9-2022! more info
- Theater Ludens, Burg. Feithplein 95, Voorburg
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Entre Dos Mundos - reprise (lunch time concert!) more info
- Theater Concordia, Oude Markt 15, Enschede
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 29-9-2022! more info
- De Boerderij, Hellingstraat 9, Huizen
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in duo format (voice & guitar)
- Entre Dos Mundos -> CANCELLED BECAUSE OF COVID :-( more info
- Theater Mozaïek, Campuslaan 6, Wijchen
Theatrical concert 'Entre Dos Mundos' in trio format (voice, guitar, percussion)
- Entre Dos Mundos -> MOVED TO 19-5-2022! more info
- Het Evertshuis, Julianastraat 4, Bodegraven
Concierto teatral 'Entre Dos Mundos' en formato trio (voz, guitarra, percusión)
- 'Entre Dos Mundos' @ Beauforthuis more info
- Beauforthuis, Woudenbergseweg, Austerlitz
Luna & guitarist Vicente Santiago get together again to play Luna's songs!
- Entre Dos Mundos @ Atelierroute Jordaan, Amsterdam more info
- Hotel Andaz, Prinsengracht 587, Amsterdam
Luna & Vicente play at the 'Open Atelier route' in the famous neighbourhood Jordaan
- Luna & Vicente play 'Entre Dos Mundos' more info
- Theater Mozaïek, Wijchen
Luna's album 'Entre Dos Mundos' in an intimate theatre setting
- Luna sings jazz, bossa nova, Argentinan tango and latin more info
- Beeldhouwatelier Lab Del Art, Loosteeg 18, Panningen
With Álvaro Rovira Ruiz, Argentinan guitarist in jazz and Brazilian music
- Concert at Theobaldus Church Overloon more info
- Theobalduskerk, Overloon
Luna in concert with Zangvereniging LOGEKO
- Luna with Vicente Santiago and Javier Infestas more info
- De Weijer, De Raetsingel 1, Boxmeer
"Entre Dos Mundos" at the theatre on Sunday afternoon
- Press presentation of La Vuelta a España 2020 more info
- Grote Kerk, Kerkplein 2, Breda
Luna's music at the presentation of the routes of cycling race 'La Vuelta a España 2020'
- Solo & Entre Dos Mundos more info
- Biblioitheek Nieuw Waldeck / Loosduinen, Den Haag
Lecture with vocals, guitar and dance, presenting my autobiography 'SOLO'
- Luna at flamenco tablao 'Los Canasteros' more info
- Folkhouse Matrix, Mauritsstraat 16, Rotterdam
'Tablao' (Flamenco club) with Luna, Vicente Santiago and dancer
- Flamenco festival Lux more info
- Lux Nijmegen
Concert & presentation 'Entre Dos Mundos' by Luna & Vicente Santiago
- 'Solo' & 'Entre Dos Mundos' in concert more info
- Danshuis Volmolen, Volmolenstraat 11, Maaseik (Opoeteren), België
The stories from 'Solo' and the music from 'Entre Dos Mundos'
- Luna & Vicente Santiago & Javier Infestas more info
- La Cosina, Vingerhoekhof 8, IJsselstein
A mixture of Luna's original compositions and traditional flamenco
- Entre Dos Mundos & the sea more info
- Lourdeskerk Scheveningen, 2e Messtraat 108, Den Haag
A dazzling flamenco evening with the theme 'The Sea'
- Presentation opening night of movie 'Todos Lo Saben' more info
- Tuschinski Amsterdam
Presenting the Dutch premiere of this intriguing story, which was the opening movie of the Cannes Filmfestival 2018
- 'Solo' at the library more info
- Openbare bibliotheek Voorschoten-Wassenaar, Wijngaardenlaan 4, Voorschoten
Interactive musical lecture by Luna
- Concert 'Art in the Livingroom' (Kunst in de Kamer) more info
- Kunst in de Kamer, Venray
Concert at art circle "Kunst in de Kamer' with voice, guitar and percussion
- Trio concert Luna, Vicente and Juri more info
- Zonneplein, Amsterdam
Luna sings flamenco with guitarist Vicente Santiago and percussionist Juri Kuefner
- Luna's music in the castle gardens of Twickel Castle more info
- Kasteel Twickel, Twickelerlaan 1, Ambt Delden
Concert with the music of Luna's album "Entre Dos Mundos" in the beautiful ambiance of one of the most beautiful castles in the Netherlands
- Luna & Vicente play 'Cantiñas de Mi Tierra' more info
- Compagnietheater Amsterdam
Musical intervention for the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
- Luna @ Eindeloos Eiland Festival more info
- Landschapscamping Wilgenoord, Wissenkerke
- Flamenco concert & workshop by Luna & Vicente more info
- Boekhandel Grand Theatre, Van Coothplein 17b, Breda
Grand Theater organizes a Spanish evening, with live music and a beautiful Spanish film
- Luna & Vicente @ Krangfestival more info
- De Houtmaat, Houtmaatweg 9, Hengelo
During this sunny festival Luna and Vicente play a mixture of Luna's pieces and modern flamenco classics
- Liberty festival, Amsterdam-Noord more info
- Zonneplein, Amsterdam
Concert by Luna and flamenco guitarist Vicente Santiago
- Lunch concert more info
- Ultramarinos, Barcelona
Concert by Luna + guitarist Ezequiel Coria
- Luna presents 'Entre Dos Mundos' & 'Solo' more info
- Lux, Nijmegen
- Luna & Vicente Santiago @ Atelier Lab del Art more info
- Loosteeg 18, Panningen
Duo concert flamenco voice and guitar for art circle of Helden-Panningen
- In-store concert & presentation of my album and book more info
- Concerto Recordstore, Utrechtsestraat 52-60, Amsterdam
In-store concert with guitarist Vicente Santiago & presentation of my album 'Entre Dos Mundos' and my book 'SOLO'
- Boekenbal 2018 more info
- Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam
Luna is an invitee to the anual Boekenbal (and who knows, she'll sing too...!)
- Luna in 'Bart's Boekenclub' more info
- Betty Asfalt Complex, Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 282, Amsterdam
Luna and Vicente Santiago take care of the music at this edition of Bart's Book Club, and Luna pitches her book 'SOLO'
- Interview with Luna + workshop flamenco more info
- Boekhandel Grand Theatre, Van Coothplein 17b, Breda
Interview & lecture, framed with musical examples, about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO'
- Musical lecture about Luna’s autobiography ‘SOLO’ more info
- Boekhandel Dominicanen, Dominicanerkerkstraat 1, Maastricht
Lecture, framed with live music, about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO', together with guitarist Vicente Santiago
- Luna is a guest at 'Wim Daniëls books' more info
- De Weijer, De Raetsingel 1, Boxmeer
Talk show about books at a beautiful location
- Luna & classical pianist Javier Perianes more info
- Beethoven Haus, Bonn, Germany
Concert at the wonderful Beethoven Haus, paying hommage to Spanish composers Manuel de Falla and Federico Garcia Lorca, in combination with flamenco
- Musical lecture about Luna’s autobiography ‘SOLO’ more info
- Boekhandel Het Colofon, Bakkerstraat 56 Arnhem
Lecture, framed with live music, about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO'
- Musical lecture about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO' more info
- Boekhandel Van der Meer, De Keuvel 1, Noordwijk
Lecture, framed with live music, about Luna's autobiography 'SOLO'
- Lecture at artist's society De Kring more info
- De Kring, Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 7-9 1-hoog, Amsterdam
Lecture by Luna about her book 'SOLO', recently published by editorial Ambo-Anthos
- Luna in radio program "Hemelse Modder" more info
- Radio Bloemendaal
Radio host Colet van der Ven invites Luna as her first conversation partner of this year
- Luna in the Top 2000 A Gogo more info
- NPO3, Mediapark, Hilversum
Luna performs Spanish versions of Top 2000 songs on Dutch end-of-the-year-television-hit "Top 2000 A Gogo"
- Book presentation "SOLO" more info
- Boekhandel Scheltema, Rokin 9, Amsterdam
Presentation of Luna's first book "SOLO", with live singing & guitar by Luna & Vicente Santiago
- 'Entre Dos Mundos' for Spanish embassy more info
- Theater Korzo, Prinsestraat 42, Den Haag
Concert together with guitarist Vicente Santiago, percussionist Ruven Ruppik and dancer Harriet IJssel de Schepper 'Kika', with the music of Luna's 'Entre Dos Mundos'
- 'Entre Dos Mundos' with Vicente Santiago & 'Kika' more info
- Muzee, Neptunusstraat 90-92, Den Haag
Luna's album 'Entre Dos Mundos' performed live, together with the young Spanish
flamenco guitarist Vicente Santiago and wonderful flamenco dancer Harriet IJssel de Schepper, 'Kika'
- Flamenco @ Operadagen Rotterdam more info
- LP2, Wilhelminakade 326, Rotterdam
Night walk with musical "tapas"
- "Entre Dos Mundos" album release tour more info
- Stadhuis Oudewater, Visbrug 1, Oudewater
Presentation of Luna's new album "Entre Dos Mundos"
- "Entre Dos Mundos" album release tour more info
- Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, Heuvel Galerie 140, Eindhoven
Presentation of Luna's new album "Entre Dos Mundos"
- "Entre Dos Mundos" album release tour more info
- De X, Middelstegracht 123, Leiden
Presentation of Luna's new album "Entre Dos Mundos"
- "Entre Dos Mundos" album release tour more info
- Herberg De Pol, Raadhuisstraat 8, Diepenheim
Presentation of Luna's new album "Entre Dos Mundos" (Between Two Worlds)
- Classical Spanish repertoire and flamenco in a castle more info
- Kasteel Twickel, Twickelerlaan 1, Ambt Delden
Classical and flamenco go hand in hand in this concert in the stunning scenery of castle Twickel
- Luna & Compañía Parpadeo more info
- P60, Stadsplein 100a, Amstelveen
Cross-over of flamenco and electronic music
- Luna & Compañía Parpadeo @ Flamenco Biënnale NL more info
- Theater De Lieve Vrouw, Amersfoort
Flamenco cross-over: meeting point between flamenco and elektronic music; between video art, dance and poetry
- Entre Dos Mundos at the Flamenco Biënnale NL more info
- Korzo, Den Haag
Cd presentation of Luna's brand new album "Entre Dos Mundos" at the low lands' most important flamenco festival
- Entre Dos Mundos at the Flamenco Biennale NL more info
- RASA, Utrecht
Cd presentation of Luna's brand new album "Entre Dos Mundos" at the low lands' most important flamenco festival
- New Year's concert in a Spanish mood more info
- Het Cenakel, Tilburg
Combination of Spanish songs by Federico Garcia Lorca and Manuel De Falla, and flamenco with a dancer
- Flamenco, jazz, good food & drinks on New Year's Eve more info
- Neyras, Via Laietana 41, Barcelona
Luna will sing a combination of flamenco, jazz and boleros, accompanied at Neyras' beautiful grand piano by Jairo Ortega, and with dancer Lucero Cárdenas
- Flamenco festival Rotterdam more info
- Grounds, Pieter de Hoochweg 125, Rotterdam
"A Flor de Piel", flamenco show by Luna Zegers (voice), Jordi Rodriguez (guitar), Udo Demandt (percussion), Agustín Cabrera (dance)
- Workshop flamenco: bulerías (voice & guitar) more info
- Grounds, Pieter de Hoochweg 125, Rotterdam
Combined workshop flamenco song with guitar accompaniment by guitarist Jordi Rodriguez (Barcelona)
- Luna as Spain-expert on Dutch Radio1 more info
- NPO Radio1 Sportzomer / Langs De Lijn
Radio1 invites Luna to join in the studio during the match Spain - Turkey in the European soccer championships
- Luna & Candelaria @ tablao flamenco Los Tarantos more info
- Tablao flamenco Los Tarantos, Plaça Reial 17, Barcelona
Flamenco show with two female dancers in Barcelona's oldest flamenco club "Los Tarantos"
- Luna sings on NPO2 (Dutch television) more info
- NPO2, Hilversum, Netherlands
Luna sings one of her own pieces and a Spanish version of a Dutch classic in television program "De Nieuwe Wereld" ("The New World")
- Recording for Dutch television program "The New World" more info
- De Rode Hoed, Keizersgracht 102, Amsterdam
Live music from Luna & interview with her in this television program about commitment and freethinking
- "Flamenco clásico" @ "Leefgoed De Olifant" more info
- Leefgoed De Olifant, Groenendijk 325, Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel
Flamenco concert by Luna & guitarist
- Flamenco trio @ Robadors more info
- Robadors, C/d'en Robador 23, Barcelona
Flamenco trio: live singing, playing guitar and dancing
- Broadcasting of television program with Luna more info
- NPO1, Hilversum, Netherlands
Broadcasting of television program "De Reünie" ("The Reunion") with a special about Luna and her music
- Coffee concert @ arts club "Pulchri" in The Hague more info
- Pulchri, Lange Voorhout 15, Den Haag
Coffee concert by Luna & guitarist Jur Vermijs: flamenco in the Louis XV-hall